the rest of us at there! haha... nv see me right.. cos i late mah.. so wen i come, snap a few pics. haha! this is one of the few~
thats me with christalle and liang yi.
this is our alcohol, martell. u all see the blue light bucket there? its a ice bucket. very nice, it will change light de. from blue to purple, to green to yellow, whatever la.. haha! forget all the colours le. very very nice. i tink this pic very nice too. cos.... its a pic of alcohol. then the blurring of the pic.. its like wad u see after u drink them.. haha!!
ok, now lets tok bout sunday. another day tt i slack at home till dinner time le. this time, my grandma birthday. haha! not yet taken the pics from my cousins. but i shall show u all the food. we went jumbo restaurant at serangoon gardens to eat.
1st up! its shark fin soup. theres really a big piece of shark fin there! yummy. hee.. we each haf a claypot of that. hee.. but of cos.. i love animals and... after seeing animal planet, i tink eat shark fin quite bad. cos.. the fins were cut off, then thrown back to see. they cant swim well and survive long. the blood will attract other sharks and eat them alive. next up, is this.. chilli crab. not really a fan of crab. like crayfish better. but of cos, i eat it too. ha.. not bad not bad.
another dish of crab. black pepper. as i dun really like crab. cos its very troublesome to eat. and my fav crab dish is chilli crab. but.. i still eat a piece. ha.. theres something different in this black pepper crab dish today. theres a butterry taste in the pepper. hm.. the restaurant's trademark maybe..
then, theres roast peking duck for me and my cousins, hee.. i like i like!! hee... but. this pic is not duck!! the roast duck i forget to take. haha.. i noe i noe.. mus be tinking i put wrong pic rite.. no la.. this is those adult's roast pig. of cos.. i 'cope' a few piece to eat too. thats too big a pig for them to finish all la. haha!
ok, next up, is this red tilapia fish in soy sauce. hee.. not bad too. its very fresh. but, maybe a little bit too fresh le. taste a little bit of fishy taste(鱼腥味). but when eat with the soy sauce with the fish, it covers the 鱼腥味 la. so still ok. hee.. then...i got lazy of taking pics le. got sambal kangkong and duck fried ee fu noodles. hee.. both my fav. i like ee fu noodles la. not nessecary with duck. sambal kangkong is the only veg i enjoy eating actually. cos, if u all haven already noe.. me and my bro dun eat veg de.. SINCE YOUNG! haha.. ok.. return with a huge stomach of cos... diet diet diet.. but.. today i eat alot again.. jus come back from supper jus now. haiz..
oh ya! those who r interested, can join my fan club group. i will paste it here. so olivia dun need to post many times on my tag board. http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/Jiaxifc/ <----- thats the link. Olivia and everyone there is so nice. despite the competition is over so long le. they keep it very active with many pics and things.. Rachel just suggesting making club t shirts, collar pins or membership cards. hee... so if u like, jus join lor.
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