sch started le. keeping myself busy with classes from morning to evening. then evening to nite, i will be conducting pageant training classes. thanks to ms genecia luo!! my teacher in wei wo du zun who came down as sponsor to help me teach them. she definitely help me alot man. as my catwalk... haha.. really not tt nice. she is miss singapore world 2006!!! and of cos, she bring along miss IVY LEOW!!! she is very helpful and nice to tok to too! she is currently a finalist in miss singapore earth! u all can see it at HA! if u all see her on the webpage le. and u all like her. kindly vote for her. 8 votes only $2. ha!~ quite cheap in my opinion. cos i remember wei wo du zun is $0.60 per vote. hee.. ok. tok bout voting, theres another friend of mine, rachel who is quite active on my tagboard here. HER sis is in NUS business pageant! hee... if u all follow tv real closely, u all probably will noe who her sis is. she is none other then miss TP in hey gorgeous! BEATRICE TAN. for this, tink jus register an account, then can vote le. its an online free voting. the website is is F2 Beatrice Tan. hee... mus support fellow mediacorp competition pple mah. i've voted for both of them. hee!
ok, my recent pics. these r those i took on friday, when i go sentosa to help the my sch's pageant pple with their photoshoot.

look at the scenary~~ hee.. amazing!~ hee..

and thats me with the scenary!~ ok.. realise vertical cant see much of the scenary, so take horizontal again. same pose! haha... only manage to take these 3 pics. the rest in using the camera man's camera. ok. jus 1 or 2 group pic. cos.. im not the star tt day! its my contestants! all dressed up to shine! hee... kk, thats about it for my days. thats y recently seldom online. cos quite busy. the pageant for my hall ends 22nd august. tink after tt, i'll be more free le.
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