WELL~~~~ i dunnoe y.. i tink u all oso dunnoe y!~ how could i possibly lost~!~~ but... thats the fact.. i even dress up like 赌神 lor.......... SEE!

HAHA!!! realise this image a bit like the real 赌神峰 on the channel 8's 9pm the ultimatum show now... haha!! but.. still lost leh.. sian.. 1st day win 200rm one.. though tts quite little.. i change 100rm. win till i got 600rm. ha! tot thats my day le. but.. they change the dealer.. and.. i start to die.. till i losing 75rm. then.. i fight back! haha.. till win 200rm. then my brother pull me away le. haha! tts like 3am liao. and i play since 10+, 11pm i tink :P
ok... then 2nd day.. i have a bad feeling bout it. cos usually pple heng 1 day only. 2nd day sld be die 1... true to my tinking.... i lost bout 600 to 700 rm.. sian max!!!then my father give me 175rm, cos he see me lost so much. i use it and fight back! play till 3.20 am till lost bout 400rm. cos thats the time my table closes.. then go supper with parents at mary browns. hee.. cos.. tts the only fastfood restaurant there that singapore dun haf ah. so... try try lor. something like KFC. hee... after i reach back room.. my bro tell me... " seriously... wad r we here for... slp meh..." ha!! then me and my bro sneak out of our room. dun let parents noe and go gamble some more!!! hee. till 6.30am. HA!!!! ok.. i won bout 75rm. so.. before i leave.. my bro tell me again.. " why not double up or nothing!" i on him! haha.. place all my winnings of 75rm tt morning on bacarat player! ha.. and it comes out. so.. i win 150rm tt morning. hee.. so.. to conclude.. 1st day win 200rm 2nd day lost 550rm, 3rd day morning win 150rm. so.. total lost bout 200rm ba. not very sure though. figures somewhere there. ha!! it was fun la.. but.. tink all the odds goes to the banker 1.. they like sure win 1 leh. except u damn lucky. as i always like texas hold'em. i play a few hand there only. tink very cheat money leh. keep losing. their playing rules and style very weird. tink.. just to let banker have more advantage lor. so.. the whole time. i just play caribbean poker. hee.. ok la. odds against us. but.. got chance leh. interesting oso. can see five cards! hee.. i tried almost all the games there oso. but all just try try la! hee.. carribean. i play whole nite 1. then 2nd day i go be member! now im genting member leh! got 1 free room oso!~ but mus redeem in 6 weeks... and.. i must be the occupant of the room.. damn... tempting me to go play again. ha!
ok... now for KL. of cos.. go KL.. mus visit the famous twin tower.

me with the towers. haha!!! then.. go inside eat lor. dunno y.. i buy yoshinoya. ha!

my 1st meal in malaysia!!~ hee... see! they give lots of chicken and beef rite.. so good. in singapore.. they give not much de.. but then in malaysia.. their chicken very hard.. dunnoe y. hm...
i went to the petaling street then... nothing much.. all imitations. so.. nv buy things oso.. cos.. fake till quite obvious i tink. if not.. its girls bags.. which.. i no use oso wad

its soooooooo!!~!~!!~!~! frigging hot there. haha!! after a while, we cant stand it le. go to the taxi terminal and get a cab up to genting! hee.. where all my gambling starts! :P but of cos.. its not all gambling.. see the scenary! its very nice ok!

im at genting!!! which is 云顶! of cos... im above the clouds!!! haha....
of cos.... not all the time. haha!! now is in the cloud.. thats y u see.. so misty everywhere around me.. haha!
hee... then i see a poster! of the indian lead actor and actress of the hollywood movie then cheng xi intro me watch one. i tink.. cannot spell it. ha! nice movie.. tink cheng xi tell me.. its bollywood's titanic!~ highest grossing movie! hee.. love movie oso, something like one. hee... then.. i take a pic with them lor. ha! when i taking... a group of indians walk past.. tink they go there holiday oso. they were looking at me in a " what is this guy doing" eye. ha! think they tink i weird.. chinese guy.. so many SHE, Jolin tsai, Twins poster nv take. go take with the bollywood 1. haha!! ok la.. those chinese singer posters... singapore alot wad. haha!
kk, not much pic le. cos this is all my hp random taking only. the rest at mum's camera. post at later date k! hee..
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