Thursday was a filming day. the show is 想握你的手。a new 180 episode channel 8 drama. ha!~ ok... since june till august i holiday. just nice got a small role for me. i'll 1st appear at the 83rd episode!~ haha... anyway.. its a long time since i had so much fun filming. hee.. its not really a comedy. but.. im acting a funny character. haha! hee... means whenever theres me and my partner come out. its funny de. ha! and i had so much fun~~ hee.. laughing at myself and all. hee~ anyway.. im acting a gangster head's henchman. hee.. those corkster corkster kind. always do wrong thing 1. theres partner with me 1. hee.. when i 1st finish my imaging. its like tt 1~

hee.. nice? ah beng look. hee.. the make up quite obvious rite. :P then after a while. they add a sunglasses for me. then.. they change the sunglasses!~ me and my partner swop. my character's name is 阿白. so most of my things are white in colour. haha! just nice.. my fav colour. okok.. in the end.. this is the final look!

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