and the last Zig-Zag print maxi-bluehee.... anyone guess correctly. so far i see. so many guesses. none guess even one of them right leh. hm... u all dun like my choice ah? :P or its not to ur liking. hee.. anyway! if u all interested in winning 1 of these dresses, email me the answer to the question that i will post either this week or next week lor. i will choose the best 3 answer that i like. :)

oh ya! and... previous previous post i mentioned bout the handbag i bought for my mum. this is it!~ hee.. nice? tink i choose girl thing, not very good ah. but ok right this 1?~ hee..
oh ya, and last week. i went to visit 陈美俄医师, pornsak's teacher in chinese medication for my wrist condition. dunnoe y. when bend. got a thing sticking out. and very pain when bend my hand. so... they give me ACUPUNTURE!!~ ha.. my 1st attempt.. quite scary... LOOK!

ok.. talking bout my week. starting of an uneventful week of holiday liao... nothings plan for the week. everyday is wake and eat then tv or slp or computer.. lifes boring. hee... planning for my holiday trip. wanted go hongkong and macau 1. but then... the singapore airline offer of $298 over liao. now its 578 i tink.. so ex.. feels stupid oso. if book last week. cheaper by half like tt. so.. now tinking of taiwan.. ha~~ the original plan that me and my friends wanted to go. hee.. being wanting to visit there. nv go b4. hongkong i go b4 le. during pri sch. i dun mind go again though. cos..memory of there already fade till dunnoe where le. ha!! and i can put my broken cantonese to trial there. hee.. but of cos! go taiwan... my proness hokkien will be put to good use~ haha!!! pls pls... tell me im such a talented multi-linguistic person. haha!!!!!!! joking... bored bored bored. today just tried a new game. typing maniac on facebook. quite an interesting game. im already over 100 thousand le my points! hee... pro rite~ :P
last nite. i watch marrying the mafia on mysoju.com. not bad. they stream very fast. hee... hm... what else can i do to pass the time away man.. my grandmother going genting in few hours time le. suddenly that struck me. hee... maybe i sld oso go genting with my idling friends and brother?~ hee... tts an idea too. but if i go taiwan. the money got to save for the trip le. hee.. lets see. got extra money. then i shall go~! hee.. cool weather. nice scenary, great theme park, casino. ha! sounds good rite. :P

ha!! take care... good morning everyone!~ i going slp liao
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