TADA!!!! haha... i cut short hair le! there! messy rite... i nv style. then ride bike, put on helmet home. jus mess it up a bit then take le. hee... just to show u all lor! hee... guess u all must be curious i cut till how short.
ha! b4 i update on my Desaru trip, cos my dear cousin still haven send her her part of the photos. haha! i shall update on wad i buy. recently, everywhere i walk, oso sales sales sales, then since i jus birthday. got hongbao from mother. i just buy things tt i like. and, at amazing price that i nv tot them to be la! hee... but.. i realise.. everything i bought, is jackets.. ha! i have so much jackets now la! this is my fav time to shop. cos.. out of so many season. i love winter the most! though we dun haf winter in singapore, but the winter season clothes is my fav too! hee.. guess the shops must be clearing the winter season's clothes and ready to bring on the spring season ones for the chinese new year shopping. so.. with such huge discount, i got to splash! haha!!
i first came upon this jacket last week,

i like the collar, like trench coat collar! hee... and like normal cotton jacket. not too hot till cannot wear in singapore. hee... singapore where got pple wear trench coat rite. ha! then my mother got takashimaya voucher. so i jus buy lor! hee.. at taka, when i leave, there is only 1 left. and its folded, hiden under some other clothes. dun tink u will will see it there oso. ha! like it! Everlast one. tink the jacket will be LASTING too.. haha!! okok.. i lame. :P
then i see this jacket, very got the winter. at giordano taka. very weird. since i sec1 or 2. i nv buy clothes from there le. cos tt time rebellious. tink giordano too common, always wanted something 'special'. but i see a frenzy inside due to the huge 40% discount board put outside. so i go in and take a look lor. haha! in the end, i saw this jacket. the collar is those sweater material kind. very got the winter 'feel'. then i see the price, $89 after discount only bout $53. hm.. usually this kind jacket quite ex, and the winter 'feel' attracts me! so... out came my credit card! haha!!! from this pic, think it looks quite common. cos.. black mah. cant see the details of the collar and jacket. hee..
Finally, i got crazy... look at this. its like a trench coat. haha!! went suntec to cut hair today. then i see so much sales in all those shops. hee.. i went into Fox, and see that their jacket is on sales. this is like the most dramatic jacket (excluding those fur and bubble jacket) they have there. hee.. and jackets are on 40% discount! i was jus joking. took it and put it on for fun. haha! cos.. its impossible. singapore how to wear.. so hot! will look like idiot la. haha!! but when i go mirror see, i tink not bad leh! hee... then they tell me. got DBS credit card, a further 15% off the total bill. haha!! then i was tinking 149, become only 70+, hm.. not bad wad! usually this type of jacket, close to $200 de. hee.. tink and tink. my mother oso call to rush me to dinner le. ha! so i left the shop. but then.. feels weird leh. like got some regret in me. after walking away for bout 20m.. i turn back. take the jacket and out comes my credit card again! haha!!! jus buy la! hee... next time then find occasion wear. haha!! i tell my mum on the fone. she jus say dun silly la. buy le oso nv wear! hm... so.. i go from suntec to marina square to find my parents and brother for dinner. in order to prove her wrong! i change into tt jacket! hee... ok.. its hot.. even im in a air condition shopping centre. but ok la.. not hot till will sweat alot kind. ha! but... i tink its inviting stares... i see got pple turn and look at me.. they mus tink im mad.. haha! so.. after meeting them and showing my mother i GOT WEAR! haha... i took it off. :P hee.. change back to my tt grey jacket. hee... too hot to keep wearing oso la. :P hee... my brother seeing i buy so many things, was INSPIRED! and oso get crazy le. he oso go on a shopping frenzy. shall not reveal here, since he showcase his buyings on his blog le. do go see his blog to check it out! ha!
finally... Tribute to my long hair...
this is the pic i took b4 leaving my house to cut hair.. the last pic taken of my long hair. GOOD BYE long hair. was quite 舍不得 to cut them away. so took this pic for memory. ha! but now i feel my head is so much lighter, when i wash hair, oso much faster and like i dun have much hair on my head like tt. haha! even when im shopping around today. whenever i see mirror or glass reflection, will a bit shock, like cant recognise myself like tt. ha! guess i still need some time to get use to it. now cant tie le. a bit not use to the fringe dangling in front of my eyes, irritating me oso! haha.. :P goodbye long hair! hee. if i miss u, i will not cut and get u back in few months! hee... so wad u all tink of my new hair? or prefer the old 1?
oh....u cute ur hair short?is quite nice....
u look gd v ur new hair style ;p
love yr hair vary much !!!!!!!!!!
U r so funny! Ur shopping habbits r like a woman's. Haha. Anyway, happy new year to u :)
to bao: ha!!! like woman ah? opps... haha!! got to change already then.
to ailing: hee... thanks!
to yeeran: thanks thanks! hee.. now getting longer liao.
to chunmei: thanks!
to ALL: hee.. i rarely see comments. now then notice got. next time tag me on my tagboard k?
Hey where you buy your jacket,the 2nd black one below the gray one
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