im going to grad alr, barring any accidents like failing my exams, forget to wake up and go. failing my FYP, i sld be able to grad in time. exams is april 22nd to 30th. then im a free bird le. except... FYP presentations la. just had 2 tests this week. easy peasy ones.. MCQs... tues one i got A+, hee... happy happy! thanks to my friendsssss *wink, hee... thurs one i just finish. i guess.. most pple sama sama la.. all the things is not in notes one. many pple skip the lectures oso. so we play guessing game inside.. 40 questions of true or dare MCQs.. i tink.. all put true or false.. oso sld haf 50% ba? now sian liao.. tues is FYP 1st draft deadline.. im starting to write it now.. bit sian to start writing it. so come write blog instead. hee!! tt explains this entry. tues oso is my only tough core module's test... FLUIDS DYNAMICS!! sounds hard? i nv read a single word of the notes yet. lecture, either slping, facebooking, msn or.. i didnt even go. mostly... nv go. ha!!! so.. i go fri, sat, sun and mon to do these 2 ridiculous tasks.. aRGH! and.. saturday.. haf to attend a film screening at NUS from 2 to 9! compulsory attendence for my elective module.. its not i dun enjoy it, i oso wish to relax, try to act enjoy the artistic film when im actually going to doze off... but... when im like running out of time.. still got to be there to watch these slow, arty farty films.. haiz! i wonder how i can survive..

anyway! this is a pic i like. hee.. sin yee took it while i was dead slping after filming on sunday.. cos.. i report at 7am!! AH!!! hee.... she likes it and say its artistic.. she bluetooth it to me and i just realise my hp can edit pictures. anyhow click and this came out. ha! tot it looks nice. and. since got new picture.. show u all lor. can tell its me?
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