1st: chit chat at a party, ask a friend is his wife pregnant again. but.. she is just.. fat.. not pregnant. its a case of the lady, cant slim down after giving birth.
2nd: act a handsome customer. go wink at a office lady. the lady dun dare to look at me due to her full of pimple face. no confidence.
3rd: act a student, bully a fat girl in sch. calling her names like fat pig, stepping on her books. pulling her hair etc.
hee.. overall, its a fun and enjoyable experience and the pple who work with me is fun too! hee.. besides Gim, theres ai ling oso. who is the winner of 爆笑新人王. hee!!! nv take pics. only the 3rd scenes when i act student. fun! so old still can act student. hee... reminds me of sec sch times.
this is my student image, like very guai rite, but.... the story is need to bully pple one. so...
become like that. haha!! but i like it more. cos... this is the realistic "ME" in sec sch. haha! long hair, tuck out, unbutton :P.

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