hm... haven being updating and taking pictures. ha... dun really noe wad to update oso. anyway, have being enjoying my holidays. hee... though its like not much difference from sch days. hee.. last nite, played poker( texas holden) at my friend's place. and.. i won the most. so.. quite happy. then.. my holiday mostly is soccer. today im staying in sch cos tml morning got soccer friendly. friday got another friendly match. tts y.. tink im going to miss the celebrity team's match which is on friday too le. and.. saturday there is another match! but.. the saturday 1 is not my hostel's team. its my own friend's team. we have being playing for quite a number of years together le.

this is the team picture. ha! taken bout 3 years ago i tink. hee.. the pic very small.
then.. i saw my friend's pic. very funny. he intro me the website. i went there and made 8 pictures out of my own pictures!! haha.. many of them very funny. show u all.
long hair retro me.. haha!
now for the short hair me! haha... very old fashioned kind of normal guy rite.boy boy nerdy look me.. haha!
this is very interesting.. look like i can run for president of a country like tt rite... haha!! i tink maybe i will look like tt when im old? hee...
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