finally got my pictures uploaded le. this is the 2 pictures i took when i go visit them tt day at suntec. this is the ever hyper clement. hee.. with his toshiba jacket. tt time i went. he say he sold 7 laptops in 2 days le! hee.. hm.. wonder if its bad or good. hee..

this is the mei mei shiying. hee.. didnt manage to take with jie jie. cos.. she busy serving customer. dunnoe run where le. of cos.. dun see its "courts" behind. she is working for fuji. which is her dad's company oso. tink her dad runs a photo developing shop in tampines. under fujifilm de. hm.. dunoe if my information is correct. ha!

well.. days past by.. already bout 2 months single le. of cos.. ex gf still showing no signs of wanting to get back to me. and despite much effort being made. hm... i guess time is up. wad needs to be let go. sld be let go... haha! she deserve a better man i tink. though she is the perfect type of girl i would like to marry. guess it is not meant to be. the problem always existed. despite our constant effort in trying to ignore the problem. it is still there. my friends always tells me. u all cant avoid the problem. both of us the character has too big a difference. but, we always quarrel then treat nothing has happen. avoiding and avoiding. despite we both trying to change hard for each other, tink we both suffered. i have to agree.. i gave up trying to change for her quite long ago. causing her to be the only party to be suffering. tts y.. in an unselfish manner. its good to let her go.
in many drama, they always say, let the person go if u really love her becos she will lead a better life. haha!!!! seriously dramatic lor. its damn hard 1 la! haha... real life very hard 1 la. but ok la, lets jus do it now lor. move on and get on with my life.. tink all of u reading my blog here, dont wish to see me keep emoing and emoing ba. tts so borin, so unlike JIAXI rite.. i mus get back to my always smiling self like when im in wei wo du zun like tt. hee.. even im kicked out, oso can maintain a good happy smile. hee...
HAHA!!! this picture is like the most idoitic smile of myself i can find in my folder so far. hows it!? hee...