As u all will noe, im with AIA now, selling insurance. getting all emo about working life. But... guess life goes on right. i cant be 13,14 again and go thru all the fun sch life again~ and and and... i dun wan to go through the horrible O, A levels again. and i really old le la~ tell me go through uni again, i will die man. well... i tink i noe this thing much much earlier then most pple. so.. i really try to enjoy as hard as i could during my study life and hack care my studies... but.. in the end, im glad that i still manage to get the degree. hee.. still got a little honours bonus for me. so.. sld be no regrets alr ba, im really glad i had a long long grad trip before i embark on this working life oso.. come to tink.. i post post post.. shanghai 8 days... i post only 2 days.. then.. no time and too lethargic and troubled to blog anymore le, chat with an old friend today. She said she use to visit my blog but it was too wordy and she stops.. this becomes an awakening call for me man... too seldom blog, too wordy posts... haha! even if my life is sad, i sldnt bring it to my readers here too!! and of cos... my viewership and dropped by more then double. haha! not tt i care. but.. these are little signs that im neglecting this blog and those few pple who constantly come here to see the happenings in my life. i sincerely apologise man... SORRY, k... boring working life for me. so nv really take new pics. some of my fav shanghai pics! cos.. wait till i slowly post each day by each day. i dunno when they will surface man. ha!
me at SHANGHAI TAN! Dont u just love the night scenary??
ok.. me with ye wen... come on la. 1 look u all can tell i sure win rite.. he is like half a head shorter then me. come on donnie yen! lets spar! Me with 2 crazy roomie friends and HAI BAO! hee... sorry shaun, u are not in here. cant find a nice full group pic of us leh. will post ur pic next time k!!

Thats about it. i actually noe why travel fair always squeeze like mad alr. to the working pple, escaping the reality is the best moments they haf. and where else better to put everything behind then... overseas!
1 comment:
yes overseas is cool haha haibao is cool too! i went to shanghai too :D
wah..tt time i stress at internship too..i guess u dun like ur job..find a new one tt u like??
-mgsp michelle goh sue ping
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