Sian... seriously FML. 1st time using this phase.. but.. got the feeling la. a bit sian at work. tml onwards, i will be at harbour front MRT doing roadshows. its national day. tink will lots of pple ba. i actually dun really can do roadshows. always bit paiseh to approach pple walking about and talk. and singaporeans( me included) is not very kind to roadshow sales pple one. haha! guess im suffering from retribution of last time not listening to pple, taking their flyers and all that. but ok la, i got very encouraging bosses. just treat it as a job, dun take it to heart all that. but.. i still cant really do tt leh. will get bit sad. perhaps this is really not the job for me? hm... i wonder.. Recently i cut very short hair liao. work purpose ba. short hair looks more trustworthy i tink? hee.. this is when im cutting hair. Fae, my hairstylist cuts halfway and got to help another urgent customer cut 1st. im ok of cos. not in a hurry mah.
the back is cut alr, the front and side not yet. i tink i look funny and girlish. so take a pic lor.
See the side view, funny rite? like those girl's bob head.
ok~ this is the end product, many pple tink im chengxi after this. even my gf say i look exceptionally like him. O.o'' ok~ some interesting thing at work. 1 day we went to visit 1 of my boss customer, as he needs to get the CPF insurance thing. so we go explain to him and do the procedure. and he got nice dogs!! 2 of them. i keep playing with it. hee... took a pic too!
my boss take for me. HAHA! cute rite the dog. and do i look weird in my business office wear?

actually, i like u wif ur new hair style... suitable to u oso... n u look smart wif office wear lol^^
new hair style suits u.
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