me with the christmas hat :)
then christmas day was spent with family at my cousin's place. we exchanged gifts.

thats us with the presents we got. hee.. this is mine. mickey mouse towel set. ha! bought by my cousin, ivan.
On boxin day, we had "you are the one" gathering. very glad all of us, still remain as good friends and meet up often after the competition ends a year plus alr.
we had new york new york then... as always, fav activity. KTV after tt. ha!
This time, theres alcohol involved, and u can see gavriel and jian feng turning red already. ha!
On the 29th, there is the annual pri sch gathering. ha! interesting.. its a a billion years since we graduate from mee toh primary alr. but.. we meet up at least once a year. always on the 29th of dec. dunno y oso.
all of us at the restaurant in city square mall. hee.. GREAT! near my house.there!~ closer view of me with my bro at the back, huishan, zi lei and lay keow.
After pri sch dinner rush off to cathay to meet up with cheryl, veron and chu xuan. wonder if u noe them. veron was in super star before, chu xuan and cheryl was Jteam one, actresses. hee.. we noe each other at a christmas party long long time ago. then.. will meet up once in a BLUE BLUE moon. ha!
New year eve was spent with the SBC( single best club). haha!~ we are all friends from the hall pageant in sch during year 1s, became very good friends. Dinner at a restaurant in pan pacific service apartment(somerset). nice ambience and food. hee.. after that, chill at alley bar, and waited for the count down there. After the count down, i join my brother at powerhouse. how can new year eve ends without partying rite. ha! ok.. HAPPY new year everyone! hope this year will be a good good year. i dread this year actually.. going to haf my last semester.. stress ah.. though i pass all and get not bad grades for my 1st semester. but fail any module at my next. i will haf to retain and complete it alr. Stress... theres the FYP oso. plus.. after i grad.. im going to transist from a fun loving student to a boring working adult liao.. :(
kk!~ hope everyone of u haf a good festive season too!~ see u all soon~
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