Anyway.. today at work. when i tie my hair up, i realise i really keep long hair too long le. since after army, i nv haf short hair le. tts like 3 years? hm... so.. i realise.. my jaw, mouth, nose and eyes area very dark! but.. side face is 2 patch white de!!! AH!!! like my face bloat out de.. so disgusting!!! tink my fringe really provide good shade for my face for the past years le. hee..finally.. after work, i go cut le... b4 cut... lets just take 1 last pic.. good bye my long hair. hee!! see....

. hee..taking it quite easy. cos.. really tink its time to cut shorter le.. whole day at construction site.. the hair is so irritating. hot max... though my attachment ending next week le. ha!! behind is FAE! my regular hair sylist! she was saying she unglam in this pic. open mouth like want to eat things like tt. actually she toking to me. hee... i always trust her with my hair de. shes the best! so... i turn from like tt....


like that? hee... lion without its mane. haha!!! i was shock.. i look into the mirror, and i cant recognise myself. even Fae say im like another person already.. think.. Long hair really is my trademark. now tt its gone.. im like not jiaxi already. i oso tink im another person liao like tt. haa!!! kk... now to reveal how i look now!!
LOOK!!! can u recognise me!!! i cant!!! so short! hee.. not tt Fae made a mistake. she didnt, and i requested for this and is very happy bout the new haircut. just tt.. i cant recognise myself!~~~ haha!! but... the world seems brighter, air seems fresher and cooler. ha!!
P.S actually... not tt short la.. haha!! i hid the side... its....

just like tt. haha!! taken right after i cut. but... its suppose to be style nicely till got wave, texture on the top, and quite stylo milo 1.. but.. i ride bike. put on the helmet.. all stylo milo become... haha!!! a inverted bowl le. :P anyway!!!!! going slp now le! later waking up for the match of the SEASON!!!! MAN UTD VS BARCELONA!!!!~~ Woohoo!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
u look gd in ur new hair cut, gd try ...ha~~~ ;p
at first i see the photo,i thought is ur brother...i see clearly,its u...u realy look very nice...:)
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