hiya! long time no blog again. busy week. hee... normal working week. just tt, got good friday. and i got off today! hee... cos wed nite i went night work into the tunnel. hee.. took a few pics. hee.. very glad to haf this experience. hee... i mean, how rare is it for some1 to haf the chance to walk in the mrt tunnel. walk quite a distance somemore! hee... heres some pic i took inside! hee...

sorry man! hee.. pic a bit blur. cos i was walking with the rest. cant stop to take pic. so quite shaky. looks sleepy too. cos... its like 2am in the morning. work in tunnel can only be during 1.30am to bout 4.30 am. coS!!! the other times! the tunnel got to serve trains who will serve u all public! hee...
see this limit thing! so i took a pic. hee.. like a barrier. so interesting.. like those u see in those ghostly, zombies show. anyway... its a scary experience too. cos some of my colleague say they got some eerie experience here b4. haha!
oh ya! last week friday, i went mable's bday! hee... nice to meet the rest of the WWDZ pple.

the WWDZ pple there initially.

then louis came to join us after work! hee....

WWDZ's GUYS!~!!!!~~!!~!~ hee....

GROUP pic!~ hee... all the people there at mable's birthday! hee...
then sat, i went filming. quite happy. cos i get to film with zhenhuan! hee.. long time no see this good friend of mine le! when we met, it feels like we haf always being so good! though cos of our both busy schedule, we like nv meet or tok for bout 1,2 months le i tink. hee... chat with jessica tan and tay ping hui when we waiting to film and saw felicia chin there too! nice to catch up with them! hee.... but im only quite an extra role there. in 1 scene, 3 lines only. but they r all leading roles in the show!!! mus support them k. in the new 双子星.
now just finish watching soccer. b4 tt went to haf supper at changi village. i simply love their chicken cutlet hor fun! hee... tink its the 2 noodle stall there de. hee... very nice!!
the noodles!! hee.. and me eating the noodles! hee.. but weather too hot le. so i unglam... tie up my hair.this pic makes me looks botak hor! haha!! after tt go watch "taken". hee... not bad movie. something like james bond. hee... nice!
kk, now holidays tml le! happy good friday everyone~ hee...