hee.. this preview that we just had is so fun!~ but of cos... i mus thank the crowd alot.. to save me from embarassment. hee... it certainly feels like a final for myself. cos.. i performed bout 3 talent? haha! jus like wad the top 8 contestants got to do. i sang the "qi li xiang" with clement, caleb and jianfeng( dont u tink we 4 look like a boy band togther!~?), and i sang "liang shan bo and juliet" with qiuting, rachelle and jiafeng again. next, i still did a solo imitation of gavriil singing "kiss goodbye" and germaine's sexy pose. haha! its all so much fun... and.. those recordings of the past brings back so much memories... i can see rachelle and liang yi crying seeing at one of them. well.. one of my friend ask me. why on tv, u all got to act until so friend ah.. really got so friend anot... or on script 1.. haha! tot it might be on the minds of many of u. hee... its true!~ we r quite close to one another. and i can seriously sense that the top 8 pple really hope the other 8 of us are still together in it with them. hee...
ok.. now i shall explain y the audiences save me. actually i haf being coughing for few days... throat is in a very bad condition.. then... knowing im singing live... i practice alot to make sure my singing is presentable. hee.. in the end.... i use up all my voice le.. haha! jus like its depletable.. i just use them up. in the morning rehearsals.. i might be off key for a few notes. till the last... i tink entire song im off la! haha.... tts y.. i should haf rested my throat completely the day b4.. hee... well.. of cos.. oso thanks to jian feng! for being such a strong singer and cover up for me, clement and caleb. hee... ok... heard some feedback that i get off key alot. haiz... but.. of cos! thanks to the audience!!! for cheering so loudly!~! hee.. they cover my tt part a bit so.. its not so obvious on tv i tink!!~~ hee.. and.. i can feel a very warm reception when i start singing.. theres nothing i can say to express my gratitude.. hee...
well.... im going to do a sing and dance fast song in the finals with my boy band( jian feng, clement and caleb)!!! hee... so.. those of u who likes us. u all can watch the finals too! and.. support those that r in the competition as well. hee... actually im very happy! today just went to learn the dance for that song with the rest of the guys. its so fun!! though quite hard and tiring.. but its so fun to learn it together and try to dance it like a boy band group!!! hee... personally i tink the dance very cool!~ hee.. but... of cos.. my dancing sucks... theres a reason why till now, i haf not performed dancing for any segments... haha!!! i cant dance for nuts.... hee..
well... oso quite sad this wei wo du zun thing is ending... very fast... just 1 day later on monday. superband2 is taking over us le.. even on this blog, i can see more of superband's people posting and it gets hard for me to find our contestant's blog when i search for all the blogs here. hee...
but of cos.. not asking u all dun support superband2. but.. its like feeling bit sad as this competition is like the whole of my life for the past few months. glad to noe these group of good friends and had so much fun! glad to see so many pple support me. glad to haf noe tt i tried my best in the competition already. hee... now for the final day. hope it will be 1 good spectacular final!