1st day is just spend most of the time travelling there. hee.. me and my friends found out that air asia from KL to taipei very cheap. so... decide to transit there lor. sit tiger to KL airport. hee..

this is me at KL airport, then we change to airasia to go taipei~ hee....

me and friends on our air asia plane. hee.. the seats is nice. leg room ok. got personal screen somemore! hee... though got to pay 30rm to watch movie. but ok la. can see map. distance.. flight info all that for free. hee..
SEE~ they haf weird food stuff... when my friend tell me this.. i tot its.. "pig ice cream" haha.. lucky its not.. if not.. how weird is it.. haha!

more food stuff. the meat roll looks nice. but.. many pple. lazy queue.. so.. nv eat. hee... the corn i nv eat. not really a big fan of corn. ha! the shi shen tang oso.. heard its horrible.. so.. nv try.

MORE food stuff. my friend cant stand the smell of the stink tou fu.. he brought vicks along to put on nose ah! haha... so funny~

then we see this. i tink its like quite nice. so decide to buy and eat. hee.. cheap ah.. 1 for NT10 only. which is bout.. 40 cents in singapore. hee.. me and my friend(mao) take pics in front of the stall!

and let another of my friend weeloon( in pink) go buy. haha! look at him... staring at the bao. like saliva coming out le. haha!! AFTER walking for quite long, i was wondering... where the hell is my XXXX big chicken! hee... so famous. in singapore always eat. must try the original 1.. everyone tells me taiwan one nicer. hee... finally... i found it!

haha.. the queue is crazily long... but i still go eat. hm... ok la. not tt nice la.

1st i eat.. singapore 1 is very thin 1 the meat. this 1 is quite thick 1. the meat more juicy like tt. so.. i tot.. ok.. this is where it is better.. a few mouth more realise... got bone 1.. yucks.. and hor.. their crispy skin got a bit of blood taste. hm.. the bone there.. so not nice to eat.. ha! so... we all at singapore.. dun need tink of going try la. not much better..haha! or maybe.. worse? depend on how u like it.

This is 1 of my fav! in singapore.. i always like taiwan sausage.. so... now.. i in taiwan.. of cos must eat la! hee.. i buy 1 sausage and 1 big sausage wrap small sausage.. just to try try. cos dunnoe wad is it.. in the end..

its just glutinous big sausage, wrap a sausage lo. like hotdog bun, but use glutinous rice instead.. haha.. somethng like mos burger's rice burger. instead of bread. use rice. hee.. nice!~

Mao bought the mango drink.. the mango there hor... really nothing to say.. damn sweet.. so different from those a bit sour 1 in singapore. hee... tink singapore oso got sell.. damn big 1. taiwan mango. tt say saw at carrefour. got chance, go buy and try!

hee.. my friens acting MAFIA under the MAFIA sign.. haha! spotted an interesting shop b4 i leaving the night market..( tt arm is not mine, im taking the pic. its 1 auntie... HA!)

SEE, for those shoes, maybe a bit old from pple trying or maybe just too long nv sell out. this boss put them outside for free.. haha..

Me and friends taking 1 last pic together at here b4 leaving to go back slp le. theres a pair of couple friends with us too. he help me take this pic 1. but cos... we walk a bit too fast. so they walk their own. so.. they do not haf pic with me today.

hee.. tts me and shih lin night market! tts all for day 1.. haha! u all noe why i cant post the whole trip at 1 go le rite.... TOO MANY things le.. haha! day 2 coming up soon!~ like tt 1 day 1 post. like u all have the go tour with me feeling oso mah! haha!!
1 comment:
hey there jiaxi! stumbled upon your site while doing a wee bit research on taipei. your info was thoroughly useful. i crazy love that city!! so wanna go again... didn't manage to go to wufenpu just as yet. i need another taipei trip...!! many thanks and great site :)
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