This is the final
impt day in
taiwan le. cos.. 5
th day is going back home day
le. ha! so.. today, we decide to visit the world tallest building. the TAIPEI 101.

SEE taipei 101!!! very tall hor~~

trying to fit myself take pic with it... but cant ah.. too tall..

so i start taking pics with posters of it in the building. hee~ this is make up of ties...

this is make up of speakers! and im acting im hugging the thing! hee..

B4 i go up. see this bag with my bro's initial on it as well. ha! funny.. so.. take pic lor! haha!

while in the lift! hee.. this lift oso is world fastest lift ok! hee... just take bout 10 secs to send us up to the top floor

this is the view of the ceiling of the lift. hee.. poorly taken on my hp's camera. its very nice 1. like all stars! got the green light oso. forget wad is it call in universe oso. like those dunnoe north pole or south pole can see one. haha!

Tada!~ the view up here. hee.. this is the urban area.


ee~ hee.. i use zoom to take a pic of the carpark and bike parking below.. its so tiny!~ hee.. like those miniature model cars like tt. haha!

this is taken from the other side of the building. hee.. where u can see some mountains and hills.

of cos! me with the views~

take a pic with the poster there! haha!~
then now! its play time. act funny on those exhibits there. hee.. saw a chair.. so.. act forest gump!

this this altar with the 西游记 characters. hee.. so.. act monkey and take pic lor! ha..

Group pics! hee.. me and weeloon and mao! ha..

HA! of cos.. include shaun too. but.. the gf have to just take pics for us alr ah. ha!

ok~ we come down le. take another pic. but.. really too tall. cant see the whole thing 1.

then we start making the 101 signs with our fingers... hm... not nice enough..

then do it with our body! haha... we get chase of a few seconds after this pic by the security liao.. RARE PIC K! after that, we went back our xi men ding shopping again. their sales service is very good there. when u enter. they will shout huan ying guang ling 1~ even the give pamplet girl is dressed up 1. see.. this girl in a dunno is holland milk girl or french maid uniform.

ok... we went keep our things.. eat those road side snacks for dinner, theres this goose meat bee hoon, specially recommended by taxi uncle. we go buy.. its ok lor. not bad. BUT!! theres only 1 miserable piece of meat in it.. for 50NT.. which is singapore$1+, not ex la. but.. i rather they charge more. got more meat. we eat le, then walk walk walk again.. realise like.. quite sian liao. since its the last nite there. just go explore la! we hop up a cab to Shi da night market. hee. shaun and gf still in hotel lor. we go like midnight i tink.. wrong idea oso. reach there le. most shop closes liao. but.. still got things.

see, this is how it looks like. most shops closes le.

hm... heard of shih lin chicken. here got shi da chicken oso. hee.. we bought the dunno salted chicken or nan ru chicken eat.. but.. quite yucky.. got put some leaves, veg with it 1.. and.. very boney.... :P we take a cab back to our xi men ding and bought ice cream back to it.

hee.. cute rite!

the 3 of us in the room with the ice cream.. eeh.. this 1 block mao's face a bit.. 1 more..

this 1 better, but duno y... darker.. hm...

me eating my ice cream! haha... finish my ice cream then we chit chat and go slp alr. hee...last nite in taipei. hm.. tml is go home day alr!
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