as some of u might see on my facebook some pics le. i went for my friends farewell. my 2 good friends are flying off to suzhou tonite or shall i say tml morning for attachment already. we had a farewell dinner on saturday. hee... we went new york new york. and this is wad i share with him. Meat platter for 2. see! got whole roast chicken, chicken strips and ribs. the portion is madly huge!! make us all too full.. but the thing is.. the taste is normal for the chickens. something like maybe kfc quality? or maybe slightly worse. and the ribs is exceptionally horrible. i always love ribs from ntuc roast counter all tt de. and this... is simply too far worse then those le. very dry.. hard.. ARGH! nothing worse i can say bout it le. ok la. my 1st visit to new york new york. my friend told me fish and chips very nice. next time i shall try. no more meat platter for me le. haha!! but they got cotton candy! and its for free. haha.. so i'll haf 1.
SEE!!! mine very big rite! thanks to a very friendly and kind manager or senoir waiter who get it for me! hee... he say he find me familiar. i say i use to work here as waiter to bluff him. he look blur. then i say maybe u see me on tv b4? he say ya! maybe.. then i say ya la. i got appear on tv b4. maybe u see b4. he also in disbelief then ask a young girl waitress and young boy waiter nearby to ask if they recognise me. but they dun. so he still very puzzled. then he ask if im the guy who act in a blah blah blah drama. i say it sld be my twin brother chengxi. then the girl remember something i tink. say the actor got twin brother 1. tts when the guy finally understand why he find me so familiar. haha! interesting incident.

group pics!
oh ya! 1 happy thing. u all might noe im in my hostel's soccer team from some pics on my facebook. hee.. and the thing is!!! we jus won the gold medal on monday!!!! yeah!!~~ though i nv play in the finals! im very happy too!~ we all work and train so hard for it already. hee... ok la. im glad at least i play a part in some matches. better then year 1. im injured thru out the whole competition. train hard or how good. oso no chance to play. ha! anyway.. now i oso dun feel like playing. gain lots of weight. cant run le. dun wan burden the team oso. haha!!

picture of the champion team! yeah yeah!! hall 7 win! haha...

dunnoe who shoot this pic of me during semi finals i tink. ha! anyway.. its 1 single pic of me in soccer team attire. so.. put lor! haha.. kk, gtg slp le. tml got work! take care pple!! i'll update more more more more more and more de! haha!!!
1 comment:
why at bustop photo,u look like very tired and sad...
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