kk, thats y saturday.. tinking wad to do for tml.. hm....
me at work. haha!!! similar tunnel pic. no choice la! tts where im always around nowadays. construction site inside. and only the tunnel interest me to let me whip out my camera.
anyway... friday went to watch yoga lin's concert. my friends haf extra tickets so give me go lor. hee.... its was ultra nice. SHE was nice. OLIVIA impresses with her english song as usual. i use to listen to her english songs b4 she sing the little nyonya song. u all sld jus go listen to it too. she is so much more comfortable and sounds better with her english songs. it is one of the most worthwhile concert if u all wan to count the number of songs sang. he just kept going on and on and on. speaking not much, doesnt change clothes lots of times. just sing and sing and sing. good though! hee.. many familar oldies song oso. tink use to be his favourite songs ba. as my age is like quite similar to his. so... i sort of like the concert, cos most songs, i noe them too! but of cos.. theres some REALLY very old songs tt i totally dunnoe. tink he needs to appeal to the older uncles and aunties oso. hee... anyway. his voice is power. though i agree.. his expression when he singing... really is.. not nice. ha! but the camera shoot him at an angle whereby the mic covers his mouth. so.. on the big screen, he still looks great! hee.. anyway.. he is a singer. a powerful 1, so... looks doesnt matter isnt it. he really sing very well and can do most songs in his own unique nice way. ha!! i like his songs the most out of the 3 of them from the 1st edition of (星光大道) 背影 is oso 1 of my all time fav song man! very nice!!! lucky he make me enjoy the concert.. well... bad things happen to me becos i go this concert. though no direct links. but... trigger bad event to happen on me i tink. hm... personal stuff. shall not reveal. but.. gets me moody a bit ba. ok la, met up with zhenhuan and my brother for a drink at zouk last nite. met gavril there oso! hee... so fun. see darren tan, peggy chang , angelia tan (both from hey gorgeous) and adam chen there too. so!! its nice la, catch up with friends over a drink like tt. ha!
anyway.. after listening to the concert. today wishes to go ktv 1.. but.. IM hafing a bad cough. slight fever oso. haiz............ as i got asthma..its making me out of breathe oso.. haf to use my inhaler twice jus now. tink cough till saliva oso taste bloody le. but then. they r white of cos! haha.. not cough blood! like tt i TB liao lor. hee.. haiz... sick sick sick... feeling so xin ku. breathe oso xin ku. sian. today went to act an extra role in mediacorp. but. dun feel like revealing the role.. too extra le. even the director ask me why i go accept the role. anyway, i acted with yahui today again! haha.. the last time i act, is as a stalker to her in xin hua2. so funny. BUT!!! pls all support her ah. im impressed with her determination and professionalism. she slim down like 7,8kg now and looks so much prettier! so.. pls support her in her new show coming up soon on screen! whereas for me.... after WWDZ... i gain a whopping 12 kg.. can u all belive it. im like a little fat boy now le. tts y.. mus hide.. dun let u all see me. i shall go slim down b4 i take pics of wadever le. haha!! even yahui and the director oso say... u fat le hor. haha!!
this is the 1 of the MRT stations im working at. SEE!! this is how it looks during construction. hee... very different from wad u all see usually?tunnelS!!!!! hee.e.. looks very nice, with the whole tunnel light up like tt. hee... usually when start operation. underground tunnels is dark 1 mah. no light de. hee...
me taking pic with the tunnel! hee.. opps! my big face blocked it. ok.. 1 more!
haha! done.. anyway... while i was doing this... the few blanglah workers was like quite amused.. looking at me... they mus be tinking. "this guy mus be mad... taking self pics of the tunnel like a tourist... we work here every single day la! wad so nice..." haha!! but they were friendly! hee.. when i smile to them. some will smile back. hee... but some will give me black face.. maybe cos i white helmet, with the LTA vest... meaning, usually these pple can take pics and report them if they infringe safety. will get heavy fines de. so... when i take my camera out snapping.maybe they tot i wan catch them.. hm,.....
oh ya! wednesday i went back to my sch. cos shi xin hui having a sch concert there. hee.. of cos, theres huan jing lun too. xin hui is very nice to give me and my bro tickets to go. with some more tickets for my friends. we were give priority entry and sit at the 2nd row somemore! hee.. its my usual lecture hall, so weird to see it so packed and pple filled with enthusiam. usually pple is attending lecture, sian sian, wan run off tt kind. haha!! anyway... hearing her live is so different from on tv and stuff! her voice is so powerful with a wide range and filled with feelings! hee... u all sld go buy her CD! very nice very nice! hee.. she became much prettier with a pretty pic for cover as well! hee.. theres huang jing lun too. though i nv watch xin guang 3. i heard bout it and heard tt he went the furthest as a singaporean contestants! hee... so.. must support him too k! cant be our own singaporean, nv support him as much as our taiwan counterparts!
kk, i shall be back! hee.. if not, my blog dying of boredom too le rite!
唯我独尊 guys and friends! hee... preparing to go in.crazy partying time! haha....
me with the twin girls. ha!~okok... now for the CNY fotos.
the weird cousins! haa! i dunnoe y.. i look grumpy here. haha!me with biggest cousin and momo. ha!
we all eating steamboat! hee....
our legs. haha! guess which is mine, which is Chengxi's. haha!
anyway, hows u all the cny? haha!!! hope u all had fun!