hee... as said.. i went to satisfy my cravings for aston specialities! hee... tried their BBQ chicken and eat my fav Ribeye steak. but this time!! the ribeye, i ordered BIG 1!! extra cut. haha!~ me and ex gf ordered these 2 and shared.. she insisted on medium well done for the steak. i insist on medium! haha.. who noes.. its too bloody for our liking.. so.. medium well next time!
haha... my ex gf got a weird liking.. she like horror shows.. so.. since we together 3 plus years ago. we watched practically all horror shows tt is screened.. but... out of all horror shows, She love zombies.. shes addicted to resident evil game on her PS2 and loves to play house of the dead shooting games in the arcade. and.. she is the captain of air rifle club in JC. ha! cant tell rite.. like gentle gentle but have such strong likings for zombie!!! HA!~
while waiting for our food. i start to remember, i need pics for blog! hee... so.. doing "zi pai" now.. haha!

we then quickly walked over to see the movie! interesting movie. bout virus actually.. makes the soldiers look horrible, and will turn violent, to kill others all tt. not really zombie actually. leaving my ex gf, a little bit disappointed. ha! but.. its quite a thought provoking show. cos.. the good people of cos. when they noe bout it. wanted to kill everyone in there and commit suicide so the virus wont spread out. those bad people of cos, jus care bout own survival and wanted to get out. jus to remain alive, not caring bout those outside. ha! yup, of cos, i tink the moral of the story is. if u tink its the right thing to do. jus do it, even if it means sacrificing urself. ha!~ noble moral rite! haha..
anyway, next movie i look forward to is.. the butterfly lovers!! hee.. i love this story since young la. after i watched the wu qi long and yang cai ni version.
it makes me cry and cry and cry la~ the music of liang zhu is very nice too! haha..whenever i listen to chinese orchestra concert. that is the only piece tt makes me feel not bored la! hee.. very nice, those of u who are too young and nv watch it. u all sld find it and watch la!! seriously very nice. ha! hopefully this new version can be as nice!

found a clip on youtube. the final part i tink. with the music 1. haha! u all can take a look lor. but if u all wan to watch the show! dun see this clip k.. cos.. u all will noe the ending. which is the climax! hee.. i cry like a river at this part when i young la! haha!
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