my bosses and contractors talking over work stuff. hee.. haha.. oh ya! how do i look in safety vest and safety helmet. haha!TaDA~ hee.. this is the new macpherson MRT in future. my department is in charge of only 5 stations. tai seng, macpherson, paya lebar, dakota and mountbatten. haha! u all will noe where these stations are in future. hee...
on friday, i return back to my old sec sch! hee... they having CNY celebrations. and since my work place is very near there. i went back during my lunch time! hee.. its great to see my old teachers and had a great time chatting with them. hee... my sec sch is still as sceneric as b4.
hee... of cos, i mus take a pic with this nice view too!but i look damn bad here. hee.. like very tired from work like tt. hee... of cos!!! its CNY le.. hee... i burst the budget my mum give me to buy clothes... haha!! didnt really buy alot oso. but i was feeling quite stupid last week when i bought a belt. i was shopping at bugis street. then i buy a belt with those poker cards metal buckle 1 for $39.90. hee.. when i walk in at the main lane, i saw it. tink quite nice then buy le. who noes.. when i walk into the smaller lanes, i realise similar belts are selling for $25, $18.90 like tt!!! AH!!! felt like an idoit man. haha!! paying bout double the price for wad i get. sian... ha! today.. i went there again. haha! not tinking bout tt bad incident le. sin yee was shopping there for clothes, then.. i saw a shoe! quite nice, similar to one i wore during WWDZ last time. so.. i took a liking to it. remembering i already exceed my budget le.. i nv buy. who noes.. my friend was looking for stuff at tt shop. i was bored there, dunnoe do wad. try try the shoe. then... i jus buy it le! haha!!!!! next month mus save up a bit le. im damn ill discipline when it comes to shopping. everytime see le, like le then buy le. haha!!! ok.. today is last day le. reunion dinner le! using CNY as an excuse to shop is no longer valid le. hee.. so.. hopefully i wun anyhow shop le! hee....
kk!!! here i wish everyone happy chinese new year! hee... i belive most of the pple who read my blog here is not married ba, wish u all get lots of ang baos and be very rich to buy wadever u all like! hee.. and able to eat many good stuff, meet lots of fun relative and... most of all, enjoy these long weekends of 4 days in a row with no sch and work!!!! CHEERS!!! haha!!!
but tonite when i was sending a friend home after these shoppings. i saw an accident on PIE towards changi at eunos there.. totally scary and horrible. 3 lanes was closed.. i saw 2 ambulances, few police cars. bout 10 cars stopping at road shoulders seeing wad happen. but when i ride past. i saw a totally ruined car( i cant even see the car shape), in the middle of the highway, between the 2 directions. its in the grass aand trees area. its so badly hit then the whole car is like vetically leaning on the trees. many pple is squatting down beside the car. tink mus be attending to the pples in the car.. when i ride on. i see a ruined taxi. the front tires was totally no air. the whole cab just collaspe on the road de. this is definitely one of the worst accident i saw before. hopefully all victims involved in the accident can survive and escape unharmed or maybe.. just slightly injured ba... (pray hard for them to survive). was quite sad. last week, a young malay girl clerk in my office was involved in an accident. think last tuesday... i saw her everyday at the carpark. her bike was always beside mine. she walked and chat with me to lunch once, and i talked to her few times when we were warming up bike b4 we go home. who noes.. after knowing her like bout 1 week.. tt day.. i nv see her bike. my supervisor come tell me at 10+am. that she is dead... WAS SO SHOCKED! a live person, who i talked to everyday at work is just gone like tt. we see the news and realise her bike buang and she fell down on SLE.. a lorry run over her and brake immediately. then.. another lorry bang into that lorry.. i oso not very sure wad happen.. but.. she died instantly... im deeply sadden by the news... and after seeing the accident today. i tink... everyone sld really be very careful on the roads... to all pple who see this post.. pls be careful on roads k, even if u dun drive on ride. i see news. got children get run over even when crossing zebra crossing.. so... must CAREFUL K! hee... k la.. i stop my nagging le. take care all k!!!