yo yo!!! haha.. exams is over!!! im so so so so so happy. hee... anyway, despite exam period. i manage to catch 2 movies last weekend. haha!!! Signs of how much i care bout my last paper rite. hee... anyway.. i caught.. city of ember and Cape no.7 which is 海角七号. both is not bad! hee...
For city of ember, it is very thrilling and nice to see their escape and advanture thruout the show. although many things can be predicted easily but.. its still a nice storyline i guess. hee.. miss the front few mins. so.. still dunnoe y they suddenly wan create the underground city. hee... anyone who noes, pls enlighten me? haha!!

Then its 海角七号, hee... have heard so much about it from those SCV's taiwan variety show. so.. sort of went to watch with high expectation. but when i buy tickets, its like very empty.. and.. i went THE CATHAY to watch la.. not those ulu place leh. town area. haha! so... tot maybe its not well received in singapore. hee... but then.. guess cos its sneak preview ba. my brother just went the premiere today. hopefully with the advertising and those stars coming down. it will improve the box office ba. hee.. anyway, i watch at 1am timing. so.. probably due to the timing oso. ha!
ok.. the story is those very poetic and romantic love story. hm.. not the typical dramatic 2 lovers tore apart love story and love is not all about the show. its about the forming of a band also and how r they going to work together to put on a nice show for everybody. hee... its a nice show actually. very typical taiwanese show like tt, using dialect alot in the whole show like our own 881. so.. support the show ba! i heard the director get himself into lots of debt to produce this show. hee... so much sincerity in production. sld go and feel it. ha!
and LASTLY!!!! DO NOT!! watch quarantine. haha!! just like i mention is 2 posts b4 this. its totally not scary and puke inducing, causing headache.... seriously... its same as cloverfield tt kind. I nv study any cinematography b4. haha!! but.. i seriously dunnoe wads the nice part about the view of a camera type of show. it is not a show then!!! might as well go play those counter strike those games... totally despise these shows!!! ARGH!!! haha!!!~
Anyway, so looking forward to sunday! hee.. got gathering and so many pple going to celebrate bday for me! hee... so nice.. i was having bday celebration all my life till last year. when my mother, me and brother decide we r too old for tt liao. haha.. so tot i wun haf this type party again. who noes!! hee.. this year got again. OF COS!!! i mus thank all the fan club committee who did a lot to organise it. and.. those who is coming! hee... see u all on sunday! oh ya... and if theres any songs u wan me to sing with u all, mus tell me wad title leh. i go listen. i very outdate le.. all those new songs i dunnoe de. like last ktv gathering.. when some ask me to sing with them new duet songs.. i blur leh.. nv hear b4. ha!!!
1 comment:
did u cry when u watch the 海角七号?
my friend cried ><
he say nice..
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