SEE!!!! thats wad i fix up in bout 1 hour. quite a few. hee... looks very nice rite! hee... tink only dragonball fans will love them. hm.. but my dad nv go fix out and go sell. tink not much pple buy! hee.. i volunteer my service! tink i will help fix up, take picture and help my dad sell online! haha... oso dunnoe go where sell better. yahoo auction? ebay or wad? hm... dunnoe these things. haha! next time then figure out! now i play with my toys 1st! hee...
Anyway, i wet bugis illuma and tampines 1 le! hee.. tampines 1 is like a mini orchard road! hee... and i tried tt jap restaurant le. hee... hm... ok la. not bad. hee... refreshing idea. but i dunnoe why, the new jap casual wear shop. got queue outside de. hee... looking inside, oso dunno got wad nice, like normal topshop, zara clothes only mah. hee... kiasu mentaility of singaporean ba. as long is something new and fresh, they will queue for it de. haha! and bugis illuma.. haiz... i really pity the owner. so empty. nothing much inside. 10 mins i bored of the place le. hee.... maybe cos many empty shop ba. hopefully when the occpancy rate is full. it will be an interesting place. but so far.. haha... dun tink i will visit there again anytime soon le.
1 comment:
wow,ur toy very cute...
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